Update Finally!
Hey uh, wow, sorry for the lack of updates lol. Been busy and stuff, will post daily again once more.
First and foremost, i'd like to say thanks to Rawr for the following: Seiryu's Sword, Suzaku's Scythe, Adaman Celata, Hecatomb Leggings, and Koenig Handschuhs.

Thank ya once again.
Also good job to CuniLimbus on another successful Proto-Omega run! You can watch the 20 minute video here: http://files.filefront.com/p_omega3wmv/;5174156;;/fileinfo.html (Yes, it's a download - enjoy the Ghost in the Shell music.)
Also last night, we camped Charybdis for Mercator, sadly though he did not pop, we'll get 'em next time good buddy.
Also, this part is for Zebix:
Let me all explain something to you. Have you said or heard the phrase "That's unreal."?
Well, fact is, it probably was.
You see, there are two plains of existence: Reality, and Unreality.
Where we live, is Reality. Everything around us is real, the people we talk to on a day to day basis are real, the food we eat, the games we play, nature, the Earth and everything on it, is real.
There is an alternate "reality", called Unreality.
Now Zebix and I have gone back and forth on the subject (read: "Elei shut the fuck up you're babbling again now don't make me cut you") and we never seem to come to an agreement.
Unreality.. in a sense, is reality.. except not.
You see, in unreality, things are unreally really unreal. Really. It's a bit hard to explain, but i'll try to keep it simple.
Like this reality, where everything is real, unreality holds things to its own where they're unreally real. Unreal, like one would say. You could even think of it as the opposite of reality. (That also brings in the topic of 'Irreality', but that's a whole 'nother story.) Things in unreality don't happen, they unhappen. Like for example, say you were to throw a ball into the air. Naturally when it comes back down, you would catch it, right?
Well in unreality, when the ball is thrown up, it's really thrown down. Then the ball would go up, then down again. Unreally. You'd.. just have to see it for yourself.
How one enters this state of unreality is also questionable. Some say "Black hole." Some say, "Beyond Pluto." And some even say "Alyada's bedroom." No one knows. Not even Aly. That's some serious business when you unreally don't know what's going on.
But all in all, unreality is a place where things are unreally possible.
Oh.. hey Zebix.. what're you doing with that knife?
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