Death and Vengeance!
Logged on yesterday and right away, I recieved a /tell from my good friend Willian asking to XP, on my Dragoon! So I said sure! Grabbed my hedgehog pie (Best melee attack food, 3hour duration), Sanction, Ember, and we set off. The party was in the Thickets off of Sea Puks. Great XP, but within the first fifteen minutes, I kind of kicked the bucket. So I had to eat a sole sushi to curb my damage(I know what it feels like Gain.) I was asked if I could sub Ninja for shadows, but.. I mean.. c'mon. Yes, /Ninja is nice and all, but /Warrior is much more better suited for actually playing the role of a front line damage dealer. Lucky for me Willian is just made of MP so he saved my face many times. Ended up getting about 17,000~ XP and 2,000~ Imperial Standing. Thanks for that party!

And then later that night, Gain, Vilurum, Darkdrifter, Misi, Zebix and I decided to go KSNM'ing. First one was a Kirin lookalike in the Oracle's Chamber. Think of it as Kirin with perma-blood weapon. He attacked fast and we wiped. Well we decided more or less to "fuck this KS, let's do spiders" in Fei'Yin. The spiders KSNM consists of one big spider to begin with. After you kill that spider, many little spiders pop afterward, and then after those are dead, you win. Zebix used his orb for that, we smited the big spider, smited all the little spiders, and the chest popped. It dropped a Forest Rope (I think..) and a Damascus Ingot (Cha-Ching $$$).
After that KSNM, we decided to do the bees KSNM. This KSNM consisted of one big bee, surrounded by her little bee minions. Oh did I forget to mention that this big bee is a White Mage with Cure V, Pollen, and Benediction? Yeah. We ended up doing this alot:

After doing that two times or so, we did it one more time and won. Gain, Drifter and I smited the big bee really fast and then moved onto the little bees. We learned something: the little bees have either: shared hate, no hate structure whatsoever, or lose hate really fast. When Drifter provoked one little bee, the rest of them woke up shortly after and proceded to kill him dead. In less than three seconds he went from full health to dead. It was sad but at the same time, so freaking funny. The rest of us killed the bees off and the chest popped, and I think a rope of some sort was in there, but they were meh. We each swore never to do that KSNM again.
And the truth of all of this, there's only one person to blame for our misfortune.
Damn you, Ember.
And on a completely unrelated note:
Did anyone see the 24 finale!? Oh sweet lord, what is Jack going to do!? The Chinese from last season finally got him! Why can't January get here faster!?
loldrg, you say a RDM invited you? I doubt it!
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