ENM's and Limbus weee
Last night Zebix, Vilurum, Gain, Darkdrifter, Alyada, and myself went ENM'ing. First ENM was in Boneyard Gully (Just Gain, Z, Vil, and I) in "Like the Wind." ENM entails an Eft mob that runs.. really really fast. Though it can drop some good money items such as a Maneater axe. However when we went, it only dropped this.. something, or other.. thing.. worthless. That was a bust! But then all of us did the ENM in Bearclaw Pinnacle off of Ule-tab Range. It's a fun mountain climb I must say. The top of the range/entrance toward ENM area looked very nice.

We did the ENM, completed it easily. Gain and I merited and I forget what dropped, I don't think it was worth much. Ah well. The exit area looked very nice as well:

Today was Limbus with CuniLimbus. We did the Apollyon Northwest Route (Aka: Kings Route). Managed to get this nice screenshot of Al'Taieu while on the way there. I must say, Al'Taieu is one of, if not the most pretty looking zones in the entire game.

One of the DRG AF upgrade items dropped and I won that, because who else lots that stuff besides me right!? We completed it, but not without fighting those fun kings. My favorite being the Big Fu^king Dragon which everyone has to stand on his toes for to avoid a Spike Flail or a breath attack.

Wish I could have gotten a better angle, but it was the best I could get.
Tonight is merit static with Aly, Gain, Z, Vil, and Darkdrifter. This week i'm going as Dragoon because I want to test out my new toys(Read: Homam and DRG AF+1 items). I hope DD learned how to cast Utsusemi and how to use Provoke.. else we're all dead.
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