ENM's and Assault yay
My first official post! This blog will be didicated to the journeys, travels, and experiences that I will encounter along with my friends, my trusty (incarnation of all that is evil) wyvern - Ember, and the mobs we smite.
A few days ago, we decided to do the Bugbear ENM in Mine Shaft #2746, which drops a Gigant Mantle and/or Commander's Cape. In order for us to actually do the ENM though, we needed to farm a rare/ex sylvan stone to participate. Because we had no Thief, we did what anyone in our position would have done: invoked the powers that be.
Now, there are many powers in being. Catch was we had to invoke the right one so we can get a drop. However, we all agreed that no one should invoke Ember, being that she is the incarnation of all that is evil in Vana'diel:

So we started invoking. First lucky invoke went to Vilurum, who invoked Fluffy - the loveable Ul'Yovra(read: huge freakin' UFO) in Al'taieu who "accidently" MPK'd a player while they were AFK. The player will not be named, although it does rhyme with 'Area'. After the invoke of Fluffy, a stone dropped! There was much rejoicing, and we realized we still had two stones to go. It was Zebix's turn to invoke and unfortunately, fortune was not smiling down upon him and his invoke failed. Gain however, invoked the temptation that dwells in each and every one of us, including the Bugbear - the temptation of a PB&J sandwich.

Again, much rejoicing and laughter ensued, followed by the fact we still had to get one more stone. I do not recall who invoked which power that bes(damn you, Ember), but the third stone did drop and we called it a night. The next day we completed the ENM and it dropped a Commander's Cape! 250,000~ gil for everyone!
Last night, Gain, Vil, Aly, Misi, and I did three assaults at the Mamool Ja staging point. Aly's saving up for some cool gloves, and I'm pretty sure the rest of us are just there to make bank. I had enough points for an antivenom earring, which sell for about 1,500,000 gil on the auction house, and it sold! Yay easy money!
Next post soonz.
(** Qiqirn Translation: Gil = "Clink-Clink" **)
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