CoP Fun!
Vilurum leads a CoP static which includes members from our LS (OwMyface) and Kaizen. Now before this mission took place, one of the members of the static shelters bad feelings towards most of us in the static due to some in-game drama which i'll avoid here. But more or less, to avoid any namecalling(Read: (-_\\\ ), I offered to replace him.

Now later tonight, I wasn't expecting to do much until Alyada recieved a tell from an old friend(read: retard) who I used to be in a linkshell with. He offered Aly a spot in his Assault static, to which he replied "Already in the best one :D", or something like that. Now I was feeling a bit in an asshole-ish type mood, so I decided to send him a tell! Now to protect his identity, we'll just call him "McDonald's." (copyright TM R mcdonalds 19whenevertheystarted-2006 all rights reserved etcetcetc)
Eleibfrid>> baby i'm in his assault static <3
McDonald's>> why are you friggin talking?
Eleibfrid>> well
Eleibfrid>> you asked alyada
Eleibfrid>> correct?
McDonald's>> and dammit why the hell did tag hafta tell you anything to you?
(Read: Tag is someone else who McDonald's thought told me - he didn't)
McDonald's>> that was my secret
Eleibfrid>> you have many of those garka
Eleibfrid>> what, i can't kid with a friend?
McDonald's>> kid? what friend? me? you must be mistaken
McDonald's>> you took 17 month of life right in front of my eyes
(Read: Long backstory; Normal LS Drama blablabla)
Eleibfrid>> oh don't tell me you're still holding a grudge of months past
McDonald's>> oh yeah
Eleibfrid>> 17month? what? lol
McDonald's>> that's about how long I had that shell
McDonald's>> I doubt I'll ever get it back
Eleibfrid>> well, you won't
McDonald's>> thanks bub
Eleibfrid>> cause it broke
McDonald's>> no they haven't
McDonald's>> are you blind?
Eleibfrid>> LinkshellX broke
(Read: 'LinkshellX' isn't the actual name, protecting that name as well)
McDonald's>> so?
Eleibfrid>> LinkshellXY was born, under Player's leadership
(Read: Again, 'LinkshellXY' and 'Player' protecting names)
McDonald's>> LX still exists
Eleibfrid>> so wait
Eleibfrid>> lemme get this straight
Eleibfrid>> you still like Player after all the crap you've been through with him
Eleibfrid>> and you hate me for befriending Mithra? (how is she, by the way?)
(Read: 'Mithra' was his 'love interest' at the time)
McDonald's>> Player is cool just different
McDonald's>> and Mithra is better off not playing this game
McDonald's>> least while you still here
McDonald's>> she's playing WoW that's all I'll say
Eleibfrid>> lol that's why we got along fine then?
McDonald's>> left the day I returned
Eleibfrid>> does that tell you something?
McDonald's>> not really
Eleibfrid>> 2+2= what again?
McDonald's>> why are you speaking math?
Eleibfrid>> oh hey
Eleibfrid>> if i applied for your endgame LS, would you mind?
McDonald's>> yes
McDonald's>> my opinions are strong there
Eleibfrid>> that's nice
Eleibfrid>> really though? doesn't tell you anything?
McDonald's>> in 2 months time I got somewhere that LX wouldn't dare let me have
McDonald's>> I had leadership and ppl actually respected me
McDonald's>> believe me if I saw you on that shell you know what great pleasure it would bring just to kick you?
McDonald's>> that would make my year
Eleibfrid>> no worries, you won't see me there
Eleibfrid>> not because i don't like them, don't get me wrong, but you..
Eleibfrid>> you're in there
Eleibfrid>> so lol
McDonald's>> of course
McDonald's>> damn shame you know
Eleibfrid>> why's that?
McDonald's>> ppl always form all these new ls's and crap because of one person
McDonald's>> now sky is loaded with all these noob shells
Eleibfrid>> yeah sucks
Eleibfrid>> well breakfastsandwich
Eleibfrid>> i've enjoyed our little chat, was good catching up on old times
McDonald's>> whatever
Eleibfrid>> i love you
McDonald's>> go away now
(Read: I get just alittle sappy here but, I didn't want to make a -complete- ass of myself..)
Eleibfrid>> but know this!
McDonald's>> do I need to know?
Eleibfrid>> is the sky blue?
McDonald's>> one second longer I'll prolly (/blacklist) you
Eleibfrid>> i hold no hard feelings to you - and yes, i've treated you unfairly in the past
Eleibfrid>> and I apologize for that
(It was sincere... I think..)
McDonald's>> forgiving ain't gonna stop the shit I feel so
McDonald's>> you go your way I'll go mine
McDonald's>> and hopefully we won't cross
McDonald's>> the end
McDonald's>> (Take care.)
Eleibfrid>> k mickey d's
Eleibfrid>> peace easy on the west side
Eleibfrid>> btw, i still have your number I think, want me to call you?
McDonald's>> no
Eleibfrid>> why not :(
McDonald's>> ugh I'm gonna blist you now
Eleibfrid>> (See you again!)lol(Galka)
Eh... yeah... forgive me for having fun at someone else's expense. But that part really was sincere :(
Also, 'Tribute' by Tenacious D > you.
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