To Two Good Friends
Well, it's been a rather sad two days so far. Two good friends of mine, Alyada and Gain, must take an extended leave of absense from FFXI due to real life obligations that need to be taken care of. Do not get me wrong, I do want them to be able to get their things straightened out to help live a better life, but I'll miss 'em (Yes, I have feelings!). With those two being gone, Ranphamansuura and myself are left in charge of the linkshell. What will happen to the Sunday night statics, Assaults, and every other fun thing that we do together? Who knows. Maybe when they come back one day we can do all of that again. One can only hope.
Here's to Gain and Alyada;

two of the finest people I have ever known, who would do anything for me, who would always be there for me. We'll all miss you two, I sure as hell hope everything works out and that I'll be able to see you again as soon as possible.
The OMF Family~

(From Left: Zebix, Piroko, Eleibfrid, Misi, Gain, Ranphamansuura)
"Here's to the night we felt alive,
Here's to the tears you'd knew you cry,
Here's to goodbye tomorrow's gonna come too soon."
Aw. Elei. You and I saved the world so many times, I can't explain how good that feels. Saving the world with one of your best friends. Amazing. We'll always keep in touch. :3
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