LolDragoon's Travels

Log of experiences and travels of a Dragoon on Quetzalcoatl.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

To Two Good Friends

Well, it's been a rather sad two days so far. Two good friends of mine, Alyada and Gain, must take an extended leave of absense from FFXI due to real life obligations that need to be taken care of. Do not get me wrong, I do want them to be able to get their things straightened out to help live a better life, but I'll miss 'em (Yes, I have feelings!). With those two being gone, Ranphamansuura and myself are left in charge of the linkshell. What will happen to the Sunday night statics, Assaults, and every other fun thing that we do together? Who knows. Maybe when they come back one day we can do all of that again. One can only hope.

Here's to Gain and Alyada;

two of the finest people I have ever known, who would do anything for me, who would always be there for me. We'll all miss you two, I sure as hell hope everything works out and that I'll be able to see you again as soon as possible.

The OMF Family~

(From Left: Zebix, Piroko, Eleibfrid, Misi, Gain, Ranphamansuura)

"Here's to the night we felt alive,
Here's to the tears you'd knew you cry,
Here's to goodbye tomorrow's gonna come too soon."

Monday, June 26, 2006

Dug Up Some Old Videos

Dug up some old videos from many months ago, enjoy:;4092646;;/fileinfo.html;4092709;;/fileinfo.html;4092874;;/fileinfo.html;4092790;;/fileinfo.html;4093906;;/fileinfo.html;4093073;;/fileinfo.html;5023248;;/fileinfo.html (This one is a Call of Duty: United Offensive video)

Most of these videos were filmed over 8 months ago (save the CoD video).

If you download them, enjoy.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Update Finally!

Hey uh, wow, sorry for the lack of updates lol. Been busy and stuff, will post daily again once more.

First and foremost, i'd like to say thanks to Rawr for the following: Seiryu's Sword, Suzaku's Scythe, Adaman Celata, Hecatomb Leggings, and Koenig Handschuhs.

Thank ya once again.

Also good job to CuniLimbus on another successful Proto-Omega run! You can watch the 20 minute video here:;5174156;;/fileinfo.html (Yes, it's a download - enjoy the Ghost in the Shell music.)

Also last night, we camped Charybdis for Mercator, sadly though he did not pop, we'll get 'em next time good buddy.

Also, this part is for Zebix:

Let me all explain something to you. Have you said or heard the phrase "That's unreal."?

Well, fact is, it probably was.

You see, there are two plains of existence: Reality, and Unreality.

Where we live, is Reality. Everything around us is real, the people we talk to on a day to day basis are real, the food we eat, the games we play, nature, the Earth and everything on it, is real.


There is an alternate "reality", called Unreality.

Now Zebix and I have gone back and forth on the subject (read: "Elei shut the fuck up you're babbling again now don't make me cut you") and we never seem to come to an agreement.

Unreality.. in a sense, is reality.. except not.

You see, in unreality, things are unreally really unreal. Really. It's a bit hard to explain, but i'll try to keep it simple.

Like this reality, where everything is real, unreality holds things to its own where they're unreally real. Unreal, like one would say. You could even think of it as the opposite of reality. (That also brings in the topic of 'Irreality', but that's a whole 'nother story.) Things in unreality don't happen, they unhappen. Like for example, say you were to throw a ball into the air. Naturally when it comes back down, you would catch it, right?

Well in unreality, when the ball is thrown up, it's really thrown down. Then the ball would go up, then down again. Unreally. You'd.. just have to see it for yourself.

How one enters this state of unreality is also questionable. Some say "Black hole." Some say, "Beyond Pluto." And some even say "Alyada's bedroom." No one knows. Not even Aly. That's some serious business when you unreally don't know what's going on.

But all in all, unreality is a place where things are unreally possible.

Oh.. hey Zebix.. what're you doing with that knife?

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Rewind a couple of weeks. Our Diabolos group (Vilurum, Zebix, Gain, Alyada, Araelus, and myself) was making our way toward The Shrouded Maw. Araelus, Zebix, and I were the first ones to arrive and were waiting on the others. So in the meantime we decided to occupy ourselves.

Eleibfrid: Okay Z, while we're waiting on them
Eleibfrid: Let's play a hand of omaha
Eleibfrid deals 4 cards to Zebix.
Eleibfrid deals 4 cards to himself.
Zebix: What... is that?
Eleibfrid: Ever play texas holdem?
Zebix: Yeah
Eleibfrid: It's like that, only you get 4 cards instead of 2
Eleibfrid: And you can only use 2
Eleibfrid: (For realism sake i'm actually using a deck and dealt us cards)
Zebix: Cheater!
Zebix tosses cards down.
Eleibfrid: Well hold on now
Zebix: Now you die!
Eleibfrid: Oh hell no
Eleibfrid flips a table and unholsters his revolver.
Eleibfrid: We's gonna have an old fashioned texas saloon shootout!
Zebix: Fine!
Eleibfrid bangbang
Eleibfrid reloads
Eleibfrid bangbang
Eleibfrid: Take that!
Eleibfrid bangbang
Zebix bangbang
Eleibfrid bangbang
Zebix: Nevar!
Zebix bangbang
Eleibfrid reloads
Eleibfrid: You're quick
Zebix bangbang
Zebix reloads
Eleibfrid: Ouch!
Eleibfrid bangbang
Eleibfrid bangbang
Zebix bangbang
Zebix: Oww!
Eleibfrid bangbang
Zebix: Oww... Ya got me.
Zebix dead.
Eleibfrid kneels respectfully before Zebix.
Zebix: Elei.... come closer...
Zebix gasp and wheeze
Eleibfrid Yes... Zebix..?
Zebix: Soon... I shall pass on...
Zebix gasp and wheeze.... again
Zebix and a cough for dramatic effect.
Zebix: You....must... defeat Diabo....
Zebix: bo...
Zebix: ...los.....
Zebix dead for dramatic effect.

And then.. came Aly:

Alyada: You mean to tell me the BLACK GUY lost a shooting contest?

And I really tried to hold Zebix's last request on Vana'diel, to defeat Diabolos...

Sad to say though he kicked the shit out of us shortly afterward.

But he got what was coming to him two nights ago. Diabolos went from 100% to dead in 3 minutes 40-something seconds.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


One year to the day that I have attained level 75 on Dragoon!

Will update more with stories and tales that are created within the linkshell, as soon as my internet does not go out for more than 12 hour intervals at a time.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Sorry for no post yesterday, graduated and damn it feels good to be out! Tonight was a merit static with Gain, Vilurum, Ranphamansuura, Zebix, Miros, and I. This party was special because it was going to be the night that Ran would finally hit level 75 on her White Mage. A few battles beforehand, Gain handed out cracker fireworks to everyone, to use when she attained the level cap. It was going to be a nice mini-celebration. And then, it happened:

-= Server Message =-
We will be performing emergency matienence on all worlds for approximately 4 hours. Please log out immediately or your character data may be damaged due to improper logout.

Okay okay, that didn't happen. That would suck. This is what really happened:

Ranphamansuura attains level 75!
(Miros) (Congratulations!)
Vilurum motions joyfully.
Gain uses a cracker.
Eleibfrid praises Ranphamansuura.
(Eleibfrid) (Congratulations!) :D!
Vilurum uses a cracker.
(Zebix) (Congratulations!)
(Gain) congrats!
Ranphamansuura uses a scroll of Reraise III.
Miros motions joyfully to Ranphamansuura.
Zebix uses a cracker.
Vilurum uses a cracker.
Gain uses a cracker.
Eleibfrid uses a cracker.
Ranphamansuura learns a new spell!
Zebix uses a cracker.
Miros uses a cracker.
Gain uses a cracker.
Vilurum uses a cracker.
Eleibfrid uses a cracker.
Ranphamansuura blushes in embarrasment.
Miros uses a cracker.
Vilurum uses a cracker.
Eleibfrid uses a cracker.
Gain uses a cracker.
Miros uses a cracker.
Zebix uses a cracker.
Vilurum uses a cracker.
Eleibfrid uses a cracker.
Gain uses a cracker.
Miros uses a cracker.
Eleibfrid uses a cracker.
(Ranphamansuura) XD
Gain uses a cracker.
Miros uses a cracker.
Zebix uses a cracker.
Zebix uses a cracker.
Gain claps his hands at Ranphamansuura.
Eleibfrid claps his hands at Ranphamansuura.
Miros kneels respectfully before Ranphamansuura.
Ranphamansuura bows.

It was a really nice ceremony. A little bit later though we were getting a bit tired and decided to call it a night soon, then this lovely conversation arose:

(Gain) i need to call it a night in about 10 :(
(Eleibfrid) np, getting alittle tired myself
(Miros) googidy gtoo
(Ranphamansuura) np :D
(Gain) we did the important thing :D
(Eleibfrid) :)
(Vilurum) yar
(Ranphamansuura) break the game?
(Zebix) Yuh!
(Vilurum) yep!
(Eleibfrid) we did the unpossible
(Vilurum) except in unreality
(Vilurum) where it's unreally possible

And here's where it starts:

(Zebix) Got pizza hut to deliver in under 30 minutes?
(Miros) omfg pizza hut delivers quick
(Gain) pizza hut owns you STFU
(Eleibfrid) papa johns > pizza hut
(Eleibfrid) in my area anyway D:
(Gain) omfg NO
(Miros) omg lets go there next elei
(Eleibfrid) omg k
(Gain) papa johns is the shittiest ever
(Vilurum) once my aunt got stuffed crust pizza from pizza hut
(Zebix) pizza freet > anything else involving pizza
(Eleibfrid) wait wait, those cinnamon things from domino's
(Vilurum) but
(Vilurum) she doesn't like the stuffed crust herself, she got it for her dog
(Vilurum) so she was peeling open the crust and giving it the cheese to her dog
(Gain) greek is good stuff
(Vilurum) ...and found a fly in there
(Miros) Taco Bell!
(Miros) ewww
(Eleibfrid) arby's > pizza hut
(Gain) i concur arby's > damn near anything
(Eleibfrid) I'm thinkin' Arby's
(Gain) Cheddar melts + curly fries w/ cheddar sauce omg
(Gain) It's a good thing I never eat out XD
(Eleibfrid) /drool

Ended more or less there, though it was interesting and funny to say the least. Also! This happened after the merit static:

Your Polearm Skill modification has risen to level 8.

Capped polearm merits! 292 skill now on Dragoon, glad that's done with!

Again, congratulations to Ranphamansuura for finally attaining level 75.

Friday, June 02, 2006


Been awhile since update, I apologize. Well! Tonight was a fun night, especially with the Laser War that took place in OwMyFace tonight. It started when Gain and I put a ^-^ after everything we said, then I suggested this:

Eleibfrid> Wouldn't it be cool if we could shoot laser beams out of our eyes? ^-^
Gain> omgyes, and misles out of our bums ^-^
Eleibfrid> ^\-^\ <- laser rays ^-^
Vilurum> ^\-^\ =-=-=

Now the ^\-^\ thing was created by someone in Vil's (ex) and I's dynamis LS, "angry rays" if I recall right. Now Vil had this idea!:

Vilurum> elei, let's have a laser ray war!

Now there was only one choice I could make:

Eleibfrid> ok ^-^

And so it begins.

Vilurum> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^
Vilurum> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^
Vilurum> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^
Vilurum> you bastard
Vilurum> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Eleibfrid> son of a bitch ^-^
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^
Vilurum> oho, so you've learned THAT attack, have you
Vilurum> TAKE THIS
Vilurum> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^
Alyada> >_>;;

Gannon decided to get in on the fight too. On Vil's side.

Gannon> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Vilurum> i have gannon on my side now!
Vilurum> ^\-^\ =-=-=

Mercator attempted to stop the war, but his efforts were futile.

Mercator> please laser beam truce!
Mercator> violence is not the answer
Vilurum> ; ;
Eleibfrid> I require assistance ^-^
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^

Gain joined my side, and Gannon turned traitor to Vil.

Gain> =-=-= /^-/^
Gannon> =-=-= /^-/^
Evangelie> <_<
Vilurum> omg
Vilurum> gannon you traitor
Eleibfrid> gannon traitorz you ^-^
Vilurum> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Vilurum> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Vilurum> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Gannon> (I'm Sorry.)
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^

Gannon went back to Vil's side. (That double-crossing sonofabitch.)

Gannon> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Eleibfrid> omg double agent ^-^
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^

Merc gave up his peacemaker ways and got in on the frey.

Mercator> ^\-^\ =-=-=) HADOUKEN LASER BEAM
Gain> =-=-= /^-/^
Gannon> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Vilurum> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^
Gannon> =-=-= /^-/^
Gannon> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^
Misi> SHORUYKEN /goes back to hiding

Shit went down from here on out. Seriously.

Alyada> =-=-= /^-/^
Vilurum> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Gannon> ^\-^\ =-=-=
Gannon> =-=-= /^-/^
Gain> SUPER KAWAII LASER BLAST =-=-=-=-= /^-/^
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^
Alyada> ^/-^./ =--=-=-=---=>
Alyada> *parries Misi's SHORUYKEN*
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^ Spirit bombbbbbbbbbbb ^-^
Alyada> 01010101110101010010010101010110010110101010
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^ Spirit bombbbbbbbbbbb ^-^
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^ Spirit bombbbbbbbbbbb ^-^
Eleibfrid> =-=-= /^-/^ Spirit bombbbbbbbbbbb ^-^

And then, the end came.

Vilurum> ^\-^/
Eleibfrid> truce, vil? ^-^
Vilurum> truce ; ;
Eleibfrid> ok ^-^

I have a feeling this isn't over.